Chinese Zodiac Calendar - According To The Chinese Zodiac Calendar

As per the Chinese Zodiac calendar, 2021 is the year of the Horse. People born in this year have a great deal of responsibility on their shoulder. Career, friends and love life are the major issues for them. They will have to grow up fast as they enter their middle ages and beyond. If you want to be strong and healthy, then it is advisable that you start taking care of yourself in these times.

according to the chinese zodiac calendar 2022 is the year of which animal


The Chinese year is divided into four seasons. Summer season, spring, autumn and winter. The Chinese believe in following the cycle of the Earth as opposed to the sun because the latter moves across the sky at a fixed time. As per the Chinese zodiac calendar, whenever your birthday falls in either one of these seasons, it gives you good fortune and provides you with lots of opportunities for growth and development. So, start working out and having loads of fun!


The Chinese calendar is also known as theodiac astrology. People born on the Chinese New Year have lots of good luck as well as good health. However, it is also important to note that according to the Chinese zodiac calendar, sometimes these good signs can turn bad very quickly. You could be born on a Sunday and find out that you were born on a Friday. Hence, it is important that you learn to get your Chinese horoscope in a day-by-day basis so that you know whether you should go for some action or not.

Chinese Zodiac Calendar - According To The Chinese Zodiac Calendar


There is no particular orderliness when it comes to the Chinese astrological signs. Any sign can be brought up to 3 weeks before the next sign. So, for example, if you are born on the exact day of the dragon's full moon, you will experience some really good luck with money, love, marriage and many other things. But, if you were born on a Friday, say, 3 weeks before the new moon, then you would not experience any such luck with anything.


All the Chinese astrological signs have some linkages and they are all related with each other. They also form a huge system of mythological and religious beliefs. As such, all the Chinese astrological signs are connected deeply with astrological myths and astrological calendar. For example, the dragon will always be associated with the Chinese lunar calendar while the snake always happens to be associated with the Chinese solar calendar.


The Chinese New Year lasts for a lunisolar year. Hence, all the information in this article is according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Any small corrections to this calendar are mentioned accordingly at the end of the article. For detailed information, please consult the astrology websites and books.


The Chinese New Year is a time of great celebration. It is a time for family get-togethers, food eating and drinking. It is a time for beautification and self-realization. Chinese people believe that according to the Chinese zodiac calendar, every person will live a very long, happy and fulfilling life. Accordingly, they try to make their lives as pleasing and meaningful as possible.


According to the astrology, each and every person has an inherent energy field, which is called "feld" or "chi." These energies are transferred or trapped whenever a person wants to do some constructive work or achieve his goals. These energies are then transformed into either passive or active forces according to the will of the one who holds them. These forces are considered to be responsible for the physical and emotional health of an individual. Chinese astrology helps people realize the purpose of their life and enables them to take actions and make decisions towards this very purpose.

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